Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I have a challenge for YOU!

Something huge is about to happen in the Meyer Household.

Ethan Sky is turning 7
Holy Mackerel...I feel like this is a big milestone...like he is no longer a little boy. 

  The biggest thing my children could ever get as a birthday gift is a cure. 

  Donations are the only way this cure will be found, as there is no government funding whatsoever for the research. 

NOW...here comes your challenge

Within the next 2 weeks or so, send Ethan Sky a birthday card with $1 enclosed (if you desire to put more in, awesome :)
 The card doesn't need to be extravagent, he is a 7 year old boy, need I say more:)
All donations will go to The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
All birthday cards will go to a boy who will grin from ear to ear because of the love sent by YOU!

If you would like to partake in this adventure virtually....
head on over to PAYPAL, enter our e-mail address
and write a note to Ethan Sky

otherwise send it on over to paradise :)
Ethan Sky Meyer
PO Box 383173
Waikoloa, HI  96738


  1. I am sharing this with everyone! Good Luck. I want that cure for his birthday too!

  2. Thanks Nancy, you are awesome!!! I am going to repost tomorrow and ask everyone to share it like you did. Great idea!!!

  3. I will send off a card to Ethan on Monday to wish him a happy birthday and will include a donation.

